Thank you to Debbie Cook of La’a Kea Reiki for a thoroughly enjoyable Chamber Chat last Thursday evening. Debbie gave us an overview of Jikiden Reiki and how she got involved, and explained how it was being successfully used for business. By assisting not only with reducing the effects of stress, but in some cases speeding the recovery time from physical ailments, businesses are able to reduce sick leave for their employees, and create a more healthy and positive atmosphere in the workplace.
An employee of First Option, who is a chronic pain sufferer explained to us how whilst he was very skeptical at first, he felt anything was worth a try and was very surprised at just how much he, his colleagues and family benefitted from his successful program of reiki treatments as he was in less pain, he was able to focus on his work more clearly and was less snappy! He has subsequently trained with Debbie in order that he can administer his own pain relief at will.

I think I speak on behalf of many of the other Chamber members when I say we left with a very different outlook on reiki. I run a cleaning business, and my team are all required to do very physical work. I have had a couple of the team decide to leave due to various physical issues, and I am certainly going to be getting in touch with them to make them aware of reiki!
Debbie then went on to offer reiki treatments to willing Chamber members, giving the rest of us a chance to mingle and enjoy the fantastic spread supplied by The Naked Grape and Debbie herself. Sake, edamame beans, and an assortment of japanese crackers and wasabi peanuts went down very well indeed!
Do take the time to visit Debbie’s website to learn more about her business, and get in touch with her should you wish. We hope to see more of you at the next Chamber Chat in March.
Ana McCreath – Design Realities
Anthony Oxley – Laurence Oxley
Colleen Skinner – Splash Clean
David Cradduck – First Option
Davina Spinney – djspinney
Gavin Kerrigan – Flying Folders
James Prowse – James Prowse Property Consulting
Liz Brown – Secretary
Oliver Barnes – Wilson Digital Media
Pat Voak – Oakleaf Stationery
Philip Prado – Philip Prado
Rachel Clarke – More Lime (Guest)
Tim Considine – First Option